Research Article |
Simulation and Analysis of Monopole Leaky Wave Antenna
Author(s): Marshal David Singh and Dr. Vandana Vikas Thakre
Published In : International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Volume 3, issue 2
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 30 june 2015
e-ISSN : 2347-470X
Page(s) : 40-43
In this article a monopole leaky wave antenna is proposed. This article describe comparative analysis of leaky wave antenna with monopole leaky wave antenna .The configuration of the proposed LWA contains two parts: the conventional open structure LWA, the added monopole connected to the end of the LWA on a reduce ground plane, Because of the open structure of the LWA, the reflected power produces a large back lobe radiated backwardly. By using the method of the added monopole connected to the end of the antenna, the remainder power could radiate through the added monopole without reflecting at the end. This paper uses a monopole antenna which can improve the return loss, reduce the back lobe of proposed antenna. . Above antenna has become interesting due to their simple shape and geometry.This antenna has been simulated on electromagnetic simulator computer simulation technology (CST)Microwave suit software and results are analyzed at frequency 2.76 GHz.
Keywords: Monopole leaky wave antenna
Marshal David Singh*, P G Scholar Department of Electronics MITS, Gwalior, India ; Email:
Dr. Vandana Vikas Thakre, Asst. Professor Department of Electronics MITS, Gwalior, India; Email:
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