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Design of a Hybrid Optical amplifier for 64 DWDM Channels network by using EDFA and Raman Amplifier

Author(s): Bandana Mallick, Bibhu Prasad and Dr. Krishna Chandra Patra

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 31 December 2017

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 18-23

Bandana Mallick*, Asst. Prof, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, GIET, GUNUPUR, Odisha; Email:

Bibhu Prasad, Ph.D., Research Scholar, SUIIT, Sambalpur; Email:

Dr. Krishna Chandra Patra , Ph.D., Department of Electronics, SUIIT, Sambalpur, Odisha, India ; Email:

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Bandana Mallick, Bibhu Prasad and Dr. Krishna Chandra Patra (2017), Design of a Hybrid Optical amplifier for 64 DWDM Channels network by using EDFA and Raman Amplifier. IJEER 5(4), 18-23. DOI: 10.37391/IJEER.050401.