Research Article |
Extraction and Conversion of Exhaust Heat from Automobile Engine in to Electrical Energy
Author(s): Venkatesh. V *
Published In : International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Volume 6, issue 4
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 10 October 2018
e-ISSN : 2347-470X
Page(s) : 52-57
Energy is vital for the progress of the nation and it has to be conserved in an efficient manner. Nowadays increasing worldwide problem is shortage of energy. In an Automobile out of the total heat supplied to the engine in the form of fuel, approximately 30 to 40 percent is converted into useful mechanical work and the remaining heat is expelled out as waste heat. This paper focus on the recovery and utilization of waste heat into useful electrical energy by using See back effect where in Thermoelectric Generators (TEG) are placed on the exhaust surface for converting heat directly into electrical energy. Thermoelectric generators are highly doped semiconductor solid state devices. The output voltage of the thermoelectric generator is given to a dc super lift converter circuit. The output of the super lift converter is used for battery charging.
Keywords: ADC
, DC to DC
, Energy Coversion
Venkatesh. V*, Department of electrical and electronics engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering college, India; Email:
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