Special Issue on Complexity..

Complexity and Uncertainty in Big Data Analytics, and Machine Learning in Real-World Applications

A prevalent paradigm in current big data analytics is data uncertainty and complexity. Data processing and learning of complex data is a subfield of data science and knowledge discovery that focuses on the creation and analysis of systems for detecting patterns and learning models from complex data e.g., text, time series, streaming, and image data etc. These types of data are ubiquitous in a wide range of social, economic, scientific, and technical applications. Complex data represent new difficulties for current data mining and knowledge discovery research since they need new strategies for data processing and learning. To represent complex systems under uncertainty, a broad variety of statistical and nonstatistical data analysis models have been developed in the literature. Nonstatistical methods like fuzzy set theory, fuzzy neural networks, and rough set theory are useful for modeling complex systems with imprecise, ambiguous, or vague data, whereas statistical methods are used in machine learning to develop complex systems with incomplete or inaccurate data. Novel data analytics strategies are needed to extract useful information from complex data objects in advanced applications.

Aims and Scope

In this special issue, we are seeking solicit contributions to the fundamental research in big data analysis based on machine learning in complex systems under uncertainty and learning complex data, focusing on the analysis of complex data sources such as social media blogs, log, sensor, medical, text, streaming, network’s data log etc. We invite authors to submit original research articles that introducing new algorithmic foundations and representation formalisms in pattern mining are also welcome. Processing, mining, and learning complex data is regarded as a multidisciplinary, and highly overlapping research subject with the goal of fostering and developing long-term cooperation across big data analytics and informatics, medical care, sociological analysis, biological data interpretation, health informatics, social sciences, and corporate data. As a result, we pursue commercial, health, and other industrial uses of complicated data analysis that aid in the resolution of real-world issues

Topics of Interest

  • Uncertainty in Information security data analytics
  • Time series learning
  • Healthcare data analytics
  • Graph/network analysis
  • Text and image data analytics
  • Sequence pattern
  • Natural language processing
  • Recommendation system analytics
  • Social media analytics
  • Complexity in real time data analysis

Important Dates

Submission and publication details Timelines
Submission Deadline:
Notification of Acceptance: September 25, 2022
Final Version Due: October 15, 2022
Special Issue Publishing Date: October 30, 2022
DOI, Indexing and Others After 1 month of publication, will be automatically updated

Article Processing Charges

All papers submitted to Special Issues are subject to an Article Processing Charge (APC) if the manuscript is accepted for publication after peer review.

For more details on article processing charges, please follow the "Article Processing Charges" section of the journal for the Special Issue.

Chief Guest Editor

Dr. Rijwan Khan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ABES Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, India
Email: editor_rijwankhan@forexjournal.co.in, rijwankhan786@gmail.com
Telephone: +91 9891676180
Google Scholar Profile
Specialization: Aritificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software Testing
Soft Computing, Optimization Algorithms

Guest Editor#1

Dr. Mohammad Rashid Hussain
College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Email: md.rh16@gmail.com
Telephone: +966 581380310
Google Scholar Profile
Specialization: Operational research, Networks, data mining

Guest Editor#2

Dr. Santosh Kumar
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Email: drsengar2002@gmail.com
Telephone: +255 765159750
Google Scholar Profile
Specialization: Nonlinear Analysis, Fixed Point Theory, Mathematical Modelling

Proposals are accepted on a continuous basis till deadline for submission.

To submit, send your research paper to rijwankhan786@gmail.com