Research Article |
Design and Implementation of digital FIR band stop filter for removal artifact from noisy ECG signal
Author(s): Sumit Nigam
Published In : International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (IJEER) Volume 1, Issue 1
Publisher : FOREX Publication
Published : 30 June 2013
e-ISSN : 2347-470X
Page(s) : 4-7
In Digital signal processing, FIR Band stop Filter used to remove an unknown noise component in ECG signal lying within a 60 Hz frequency range. This paper gives the design appropriate signal processing algorithms for the refinement of ECG signals so that their characteristics may be extracted: this involves the design of a digital filter for the elimination of the power line interference and determines the waveform characteristics (PR, QRS and ST intervals and PR and ST segments) of the available ECG recording. Comparison of these characteristics with those of normal ECG recordings provides a way of identifying problems with the human cardiovascular system.
Keywords: Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Band stop filter
, ECG signals
Sumit Nigam *, Department of Electronics & Communication IPS-CTM, Gwalior, India; Email:
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