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A Route Planning Method using Neural Network and HIL Technology Applied for Cargo Ships

Author(s): Huu-Khanh Doan, Anh-Tuan Dinh and Duc-Tuan Hoang

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 05 February 2024

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 111-118

Huu-Khanh Doan*, Faculty of Electrical – Electronics Engineering, Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong, Vietnam; Email:

Anh-Tuan Dinh, Faculty of Electrical – Electronics Engineering, Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong, Vietnam

Duc-Tuan Hoang, Faculty of Electrical – Electronics Engineering, Vietnam Maritime University, Hai Phong, Vietnam

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Huu-Khanh Doan, Anh-Tuan Dinh and Duc-Tuan Hoang (2024), A Route Planning Method using Neural Network and HIL Technology Applied for Cargo Ships. IJEER 12(1), 111-118. DOI: 10.37391/IJEER.120116.