f Enhancing Facial Recognition Accuracy through KNN Classification with Principal Component Analysis and Local Binary Pattern
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Enhancing Facial Recognition Accuracy through KNN Classification with Principal Component Analysis and Local Binary Pattern

Author(s): Sachin Gaur*, Nitesh Tiwari, Sneha Vyas and Milind Pandey

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 25 July 2024

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 791-798

Sachin Gaur*, Department of Computer Science and Engineering B.T Kumaon Institute of Technology Dwarahat, India; Email: ersgaur1234@gmail.com

Nitesh Tiwari, Department of Computer Science and Engineering B.T Kumaon Institute of Technology Dwarahat, India; Email: 2003niteshtiwari@gmail.com

Sneha Vyas, Department of Computer Science and Engineering B.T Kumaon Institute of Technology Dwarahat, India; Email: snehavyas2707@gmail.com;

Milind Pandey, B. T Kumaon institute of Technology Dwarahat, India; Email: m.p6092003@gmail.com;

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Sachin Gaur, Nitesh Tiwari and Sneha Vyas (2024), Enhancing Facial Recognition Accuracy through KNN Classification with Principal Component Analysis and Local Binary Pattern. IJEER 12(3), 791-798. DOI: 10.37391/IJEER.120309.