Editorial Previleges

Previleges for Editors & Members of the Editorial Board

Here are some of the privileges for Editors and members of the Editorial Board:

  • The editor/associate editor has the privilege to publish any one paper as first author/corresponding author in the journals without paying any article processing fee after at least 6 months of volunteer work. Such papers are peer-reviewed under the guidance of other editors of the journal and may be published upon their approval.
  • By reviewing papers, you have easy access to and can keep up with the latest research and acquire a critical view of research papers.
  • Editor/Associate editor name will be listed on journal web site in Editorial Board, thus increasing your personal profile.
  • Editor/Associate editor get opportunity to network with colleagues and peers in international community of FOREX Publications and influence the direction in which the journal develops.
  • Editor/Associate editor will receive table of contents in your email every month with latest articles published by in the journals.

To join the editorial board of the journal, send your latest cv and photograph by email to editor_ijeer@forexjournal.co.in