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Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Based on Honey Bee Foraging Behavior and Load Balance Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm

Author(s) : Nitin Thapliyal1, Priti Dimri2

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 30 March 2022

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 1-6

Nitin Thapliyal, Phd Scholar, Department of CSE , Uttarakhand technical university, Dehradun, India ; Email:

Priti Dimri, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, GBPEC, Ghurdwari , India; Email:

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Nitin Thapliyal and Priti Dimri (2022), Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Based on Honey Bee Foraging Behavior and Load Balance Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm. IJEER 10(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.37391/IJEER.100101.