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Revaluating Pretraining in Small Size Training Sample Regime

Author(s): Vandana Khobragade1, Jagannath Nirmal2 and Shreyansh Chedda3

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 22 September 2022

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 694-704

Vandana Khobragade*, Department of Electronic and Telecommunication, LTCE, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India; Email:

Jagannath Nirmal, Department of Electronics, KJSCE, Mumbai, India; Email:

Shreyansh Chedda, Department of Computer Science, VJTI, Mumbai, India; Email:

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Vandana Khobragade, Jagannath Nirmal, and Shreyansh Chedda (2022), Revaluating Pretraining in Small Size Training Sample Regime. IJEER 10(3), 694-704. DOI: 10.37391/IJEER.100346.