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Performance Enhancement of CNFET-based Approximate Compressor for Error Resilient Image Processing

Author(s): Siliveri Swetha* and Dr.N. Siva Sankara Reddy

Publisher : FOREX Publication

Published : 28 September 2023

e-ISSN : 2347-470X

Page(s) : 851-858

Siliveri Swetha*, ECE Department, CVR College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India; Email:

Dr.N. Siva Sankara Reddy, ECE Department, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India; Email:

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Siliveri Swetha and Dr.N. Siva Sankara Reddy (2023), Performance Enhancement of CNFET-based Approximate Compressor for Error Resilient Image Processing. IJEER 11(3), 851-858. DOI: 10.37391/ijeer.110332.