Articles published in IJEER

Special Issue on Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning in Healthcare Decision Making

Non-invasive and Automatic Identification of Diabetes Using ECG Signals

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic medical condition in which the body is unable to properly regulate the amount of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. It can cause serious consequences like heart disease, nerve damage, and kidney illness. Diabetes causes cardiac autonomic neuropathy, which affects the pattern of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. ECG measures electrical activity of the hearts. In this paper, the features extraction method is proposed for the classification of diabetic ECG and normal ECG signals.

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Image segmentation in Diagnosing the Ground Bud Necrosis Virus in Tomatoes using K-Means Clustering

Early-stage fruit disease detection will ensure the natural product quality for the organic agriculture business. The potential of using K-Means segmentation for diagnosing tomatoes fruit disease was intended to be explored by this proposed method. The main goal of paper is to increase classification accuracy by locating tomatoes with Ground Bud Necrosis Virus in Tomatoes disease using an image segmentation approach. The K-means clustering algorithm is intended to boost segmentation effectiveness.

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